eGate Advantage
Unlike other concrete measurement sensors, that are using cables or Bluetooth for data connection, eGate sensors are directly connected to the cloud as true wireless IoT devices (LoraWAN). This enables real-time data streaming and remote monitoring without any repeat manual measurement tasks on the job site. The continuous data stream also makes it possible to calculate the forecasted drying date.
Before, it Was All Guessing with Manual Tools
The industry best practice has been to let the concrete dry at least for 28 days per inch
of the slab, to reach the desired RH value of 75-85%RH for floor installation. This rule of thumb assumes optimum indoor drying conditions, under 50% relative humidity and above 65°F air temperature. But at the job site, conditions are, of course, changing every day. Therefore, the significant advantage of using ePredict™ is therefore to have all this changing environmental data updating the forecast continuously.