The Future is Now: How IoT Sensors Are Revolutionizing the Commercial Construction Industry

McKinsey’s reporting finds that construction is the least technologically developed industry, alongside agriculture and hunting. According to MGI’s digitization index, the U.S. construction comes second to last, and in Europe it is in last position on the index.

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ICRA Risk Management for Construction Renovation Projects

An ICRA is multidisciplinary, organizational, documented process that after considering the facility’s patient population and program addresses the following based on owner/agency input and planning.

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Remote Monitoring of Dust at Construction Job Site
Remote Monitoring of Dust at Construction Job Site

Dust control is a significant challenge in many construction projects for both the workers’ health and the general cleanliness of the job site. eGate dust monitoring solution uses wireless IoT sensor data to monitor dust levels in real-time.

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Remote Monitoring as a Service – with Construction IoT Sensors
Remote Monitoring of Construction Site Conditions Enters the Mainstream

The global pandemic has had a significant impact on the construction industry worldwide. Many of the industry professionals are still working from home – project managers, architects, and many more. This has boosted remote construction monitoring services to become a new normal.

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ePredict - for Concrete Drying Time Forecasting
ePredict™ – for Concrete Drying Time Forecasting

A construction job site tool that monitors and predicts concrete slab drying and optimizes job site conditions for faster scheduling.

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How to Predict Concrete Slab Drying Time?

When scheduling a building construction project, the flooring installation and the related concrete slab drying time is major factor. The industry best practice is to let the concrete dry at least for 28 days per inch of the slab.

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eGate Predict
eGate to Launch Concrete Drying Prediction Tool for the Construction Industry

The new ePredict™ prediction tool, as a part of the eGate 2.0 cloud platform, will forecast the drying time of the concrete slab during the building construction project. This will significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the project scheduling.

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How to Mitigate Dust in Healthcare Construction – by Monitoring it?

Controlling and mitigating the airborne dust in healthcare construction is important. But that only represents half of the job. Today the best dust control programs also monitor the performance of the dust removal – by using air particle sensors and differential pressure sensors in areas where the excess dust can become a problem.

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How to Monitor Concrete Slab Moisture Remotely from your Smartphone

New cloud connected IoT sensors make construction jobsite measurement easier than before. With wireless offsite connectivity, contractors can work smarter – not harder.

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eGate Wireless IOT Sensors Bring Visibility into Construction Jobsite

Construction firms are starting to come around on tech adoption. Contractors that are implementing construction technology are benefitting from increased productivity, better collaboration, and completing projects on time and under budget. Wireless sensors are the latest addition to the technology mix, playing critical role in keeping project teams connected to construction site environmental conditions.

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